

Earle, Timothy K. Northwestern University被知名学者引用:132人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Charles Stanish 美国 University of California, Los Angeles 2010美国科学院院士 Early Monumentality, Ritual, and Political Complexity

2. Earle, Timothy K. 美国 Northwestern University 2023美国科学院院士 Early Monumentality, Ritual, and Political Complexity

3. Eske Willerslev 美国 University of Cambridge 2014美国科学院院士 Human genetic structure in Northwest France provides new insights into West European historical demo..

4. Earle, Timothy K. 美国 Northwestern University 2023美国科学院院士 Taiwanese Prehistory

5. Earle, Timothy K. 美国 Northwestern University 2023美国科学院院士 New Early Neolithic and Late Bronze Age amber finds from Thy

6. Earle, Timothy K. 美国 Northwestern University 2023美国科学院院士 Biodiversity and the human past: Lessons for conservation biology

7. Robert Drennan 美国 University of Pittsburgh 2004美国科学院院士 Local economies and household spacing in early chiefdom communities

8. Charles Stanish 美国 University of California, Los Angeles 2010美国科学院院士 Ritual, Labor Mobilization, and Monumental Construction in Small-Scale Societies The Case of Adena a..

9. Earle, Timothy K. 美国 Northwestern University 2023美国科学院院士 Political Economy in the Archaeology of Emergent Complexity: a Synthesis of Bottom-Up and Top-Down A..

10. Clark Spencer,Larsen 美国 OHIO STATE University 2016美国科学院院士 Great Lakes Copper and Shared Mortuary Practices on the Atlantic Coast: Implications for Long-Distan..

11. David Hurst Thomas 美国 American Museum of Natural History 1989美国科学院院士 Great Lakes Copper and Shared Mortuary Practices on the Atlantic Coast: Implications for Long-Distan..

12. Marcella Frangipane 美国 University of Rome 2013美国科学院院士 From a subsistence economy to the production of wealth in ancient formative societies: a political e..

13. Earle, Timothy K. 美国 Northwestern University 2023美国科学院院士 Maritime Mode of Production Raiding and Trading in Seafaring Chiefdoms

14. Marcus W. Feldman 美国 Stanford University 2013美国科学院院士 Cultural hitchhiking and competition between patrilineal kin groups explain the post-Neolithic Y-chr..

15. Patrick Kirch 美国 University of California, Berkeley 1990美国科学院院士 Tattooing tools and the Lapita cultural complex

16. Marcella Frangipane 美国 University of Rome 2013美国科学院院士 Different Trajectories in State Formation in Greater Mesopotamia: A View from Arslantepe[Turkey]

17. Earle, Timothy K. 美国 Northwestern University 2023美国科学院院士 trade-light: the political economy of polynesian and andean civilizations

18. Timothy A. Kohler 美国 Washington State University 2022美国科学院院士 how to make a polity[in the central mesa verde region]

19. Earle, Timothy K. 美国 Northwestern University 2023美国科学院院士 Bronze Age Tell Communities in Context: An Exploration in Culture, Society, and the Study of Europea..

20. Earle, Timothy K. 美国 Northwestern University 2023美国科学院院士 Collective Action Theory and the Dynamics of Complex Societies








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