The aim of this research is to adapt The Responsive Environmental Assessment for Classroom Teaching (REACT) scale developed by Nelson, Demers, and Christ (2014) into Turkish for EFL classrooms and to test its applicability in Türkiye on a group of secondary school students studying in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. Construct validity of the scale was tested with exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). As a result of the exploratory factor analysis, a structure with 22 items and four factors was obtained. The fit indices of the 4-factor structure as due to CFA show that the model is at a reasonable level. Test-retest method was used for the stability of the scale. A correlation of .910 was obtained between the two applications. To determine the scale reliability, item-total correlations and correlation analysis were used, and Cronbach alpha and composite reliability were calculated. The correlation between the sub-dimensions of the scale ranged between .420 at the lowest, .687 at the highest, and item factor loads between .51 and .88. Corrected item correlations range from .44 to .67, and the difference between the means of the 27% lower and upper groups is significant for all items. The Cronbach α internal reliability coefficient calculated to determine its internal reliability was found to be .925. The composite reliability coefficient was calculated as .957. As a result, it can be said that the REACT scale is a valid and reliable scale that researchers can use.
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