Aim. It is established that the resistance to some heavy metal cations is combined with the osmotic stress tolerance. The resistance to barium ions correlates with the salinity tolerance whereas the cadmium cation resistance is combined with water stress deficit. It is known too about the differences between the tolerance levels of cell cultures and tolerance levels of plants. On this account the comparative estimation of the primary and secondary calli to simulated stresses is established. Methods. The tobacco was the object of the experiment. This plant is extremely sensitive to osmotic stresses. The salinity was simulated by the addition of sea water salts – 25.0 g/l; water stress was created by the addition of 0.8M of mannitol As calli proliferation marker relative fresh mass growth was used. Results. Primary and secondary tobacco calli there were obtained. Those cultures demonstrated resistance to lethal simulated stresses. Ва-resistant culture developed on medium with the addition of 25.0 g/l of sea water salts. Cd-resistant culture grew on medium. Conclusions. The appearance of tolerance is selected after the primary selection on media with heavy metal ions. The level of the tolerance did not decrease within the cultivating period.
Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics (NAS Ukraine)