Entry Qualification and Academic Achievement of Direct Entry Students in the Faculty of Education, University of Benin, Nigeria


P.K. Adeosun,G.O. Ebite


The study investigated direct entry qualification and students’ academic achievement in the Faculty of Education, University of Benin. The study was aimed at ascertaining a difference in the academic achievement of Direct Entry students with different entry qualifications such as NCE, OND and those with JUPEB entry. Seven research questions were raised and six research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. This study employed the ex-post facto research design. The total population was 164 direct entry students of the 2018/2019 academic session students’ folders. The population sample for this study was made up of all 164, a proforma was used for data collection. The proforma named, Students Record Profile Form which contained the classification of 300 Level students in the 2019/2020 academic session based on their direct entry qualification (JUPEB, NCE AND OND), their sex and their corresponding standardized scores in the faculty courses (EDU 311, EDU 321, EDU 312 and EDU 322) examinations held in the 2019/2020 academic session. The scores were standardized using the z-score and t-score statistics. Data obtained was analysed using descriptive statistics (mean, frequency tables and percentages) to answer research question one while research questions two to six were hypothesised. Null hypotheses one to three and five were tested with the Independent Samples T-test, and the fourth and sixth null hypothesis was tested with a Two-way Analysis of Variance at 0.05 level of significance adopting SPSS Version 21. Based on the finding of the study, it was concluded that there is a \significant difference in the academic achievement of direct-entry students with respect to their entry qualifications. A recommendation was made that students with certificate entry qualifications need monitoring and mentoring to ensure better academic performance.


African - British Journals

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