F.A. Johnson,N.O. Atulomah,I. Ayokanm,B.C. Nwachukwu,O.C. Ajayi
Stroke is the world's second most common cause of mortality and the third most common cause of morbidity and disability. Recurrent strokes make up a significant number of stroke admissions to the emergency room. This condition is largely preventable by identifying and addressing the risk factors involved. Hence, this study examined the non-modifiable risk factors associated with medication adherence among stroke survivors in Lagos state, Nigeria. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was conducted using a multistage sampling technique, including 386 stroke survivors from 10 stroke rehabilitation facilities in Lagos state. A validated structured interviewer-administered questionnaire was used for data collection. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Chi-square and Binary logistic regression at a significance level of 5%. The participants' mean age was 52.42 ± 12.143. Results showed that participants aged 51-60years were more likely to adhere to their medication than other age groups. The result also showed no association existed between the age of stroke survivors and medication adherence (OR = 1.119, CI = 0.941-1.332, p = 0.549), ethnicity and medication adherence (OR = 1.176, CI 0.89-1.55, p = 0.211), and the gender (OR = 1.147, CI = 0.748-1.761, p = 0.665). However, there is a significant association between number of stroke and medication adherence (OR = 0.699, CI = 0.499-0.980, p = 0.038). This study's findings highlight important gaps in the factors that influence and are associated with medication adherence. Therefore, other non-modifiable factors asides from the ones assessed in this study should be researched.
African - British Journals