Impact of Foreign Aids on Poverty in Nigeria: A Longitudinal Study (1992–2023)


N. J. Chinedu


Aids for citizens of a country like Nigeria cannot be overlooked. People require financial and other forms of assistance to be able to meet their basic needs. Conversely, the significance of all the assistance received from foreign bodies on households and nonprofit institutions in Nigeria is not clear. The study examined Net Official Development Assistance and Official Aid Received (NAID) and its effect on Households and NPISHs Final Consumption Expenditure (HNFC). The study used time series, relying on secondary data. It used Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) as a unit root test. It further tested the long run relationship among the variables via Johansen co- integration test. Simple regression model equation was adopted for the work. The study revealed that NAID has a significant effect on HNFC. The study concludes that NAID are the predictors and determinants for NAID in Nigeria. The study recommends that more Foreign Aid be encouraged in Nigeria.


African - British Journals

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