Modelling and Simulation of a Budget-Friendly, Secured and Intelligent Home Automation System Using Internet of Things for the Aged and Disabled


Y. S. Kamak,J. G. Etemi,M. I. Ahmed,G. A. Umar,T. G. Nora,H. O. John


Intelligent Home Automation System is one of the subjects that is gaining traction and popularity due to its numerous benefits across the globe today. Home automation is the process of remotely monitoring and controlling household appliances and devices. With the Internet's and its applications' never-ending growth, there is a lot of promise and scope for remote access, control, and monitoring of network-enabled appliances and devices. This paper developed an easy-to-use, secured and intelligent home automation system; capable of remotely monitoring and controlling appliances in the home, by integrating it with an affordable, flexible, versatile, open-sourced, single-board microprocessor and yet scalable Arduino Uno. The work was carried out in the following stages; First, the Arduino Uno was set up with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections, and Android device interfacing. Secondly, upon successful connection and configurations, the system successfully worked with the home model developed. Lastly, a unique yet simple user interface was created using the Android MIT App inventor, thereby completing the system design. The intelligent home automation system was fully simulated given the above steps, ensuring that everyday use of home appliances is monitored and controlled for a more secure, seamless and intuitive user experience. The paper also examined a number of intelligent home automation systems and technologies from a variety of defined perspectives. It focused on the home automation idea, in which smart devices are used to integrate home automation systems and technologies with a central single-board – microprocessor (Arduino Uno); Life is becoming simpler and easier in all aspects due to advancements in automation technologies, particularly in homes and working environments.


African - British Journals

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