Robotic and advanced technology rehabilitation is useful for people with difficulties and deficits in arm and hand movements, walking problems and balance disorders. Robotic technologies are being introduced in the rehabilitation field to support the activity of specialists, doctors and physiotherapists; the future and the challenge of rehabilitation lies precisely in the development of robotics. Robot assists the therapist in administering the most appropriate motor therapy with precision and repeatability modulates the difficulty of the exercise. It allows repetitive task-oriented activities with augmentative feedback capable of inducing brain plasticity. It acquires quantitative information on movement and evaluates the services performed he first, “Arm and Hand”, is used to help the opening and closing movements of the hand. After entering it by hand and forearm, gently guides the patient’s shoulder and elbow movements to reach and grasp objects. “Wrist”, on the other hand, interacts with the movements of the wrist and integrates functionally with the “Hand” module.
Lattice Science Publication (LSP)