In all types of organizations, human resources are regarded as the assets. They are required to make use of their educational qualifications, competencies and abilities in achieving organizational goals and leading to up-gradation of overall structure of the organizations. The individuals in leadership positions are vested with the authority and responsibility of creating an environment, which would be facilitating in promoting safety and well-being of human resources. As a consequence, their mind-sets will be stimulated and they will put in efforts to their best abilities in doing well in their job duties. Furthermore, they will lead to up-gradation of motivation and concentration levels towards putting into operation different tasks and activities. The individuals need to augment information and implement the measures, which would be facilitating in promoting safety and well-being of human resources. In cases of hazardous job duties, one needs to take precautions. On the other hand, the working environmental conditions need to be pleasant and amiable. The members of the organizations need to communicate with each other in an effective manner. Furthermore, they are required to treat each other with respect and courtesy. Therefore, it is well-understood that there are number of factors, which are facilitating in promoting safety and well-being of human resources. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, understanding the meaning and significance of promoting safety and well-being of human resources, measures to be implemented in promoting safety and well-being of human resources and advantages of promoting safety and well-being of human resources.
Lattice Science Publication (LSP)