The quantum properties of a non-degenerate three-level laser with the parametric amplifier and coupled to a thermal reservoir are thoroughly analyzed with the use of the pertinent master equation and stochastic differential equations associated with the normal ordering. Applying solutions of resulting differential equations, quadrature variance, the mean and variance of photon number, the photon number correlation are calculated. However, the two-mode driving light has no effect on the squeezing properties of the cavity modes. Employing the same solutions, one can also obtain anti normally ordered characteristic function defined in the Heisenberg picture. For a linear gain coefficient of (A = 100), for a cavity damping constant of K= 0:8, μ = 0.16 and for thermal reservoir nth = 0, the maximum intra cavity photon entanglement is found at steady state and at threshold to be 70%.
Lattice Science Publication (LSP)
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