Development of Models for the Rational Design of Different Shapes of Pit Latrine


ifeuzu Ugwu Francis, ,Chukwuemeka Prof. Agunwamba Jonah,


Specific models for the rational design of pit latrines of different shapes and sizes are presently non-existent. What exist are general design models irrespective of the shape and size of latrine which may not give the actual design parameters needed. This research was limited to the derivation of models that will aid the design of the capacity of pit latrines of different shapes and dimensions for different population of users and under different soil formations and ground conditions. The objective of this research was to derive models for the rational design of pit latrines of different shapes using data collected from 500 different household pit latrines already filled up. Thus, models were derived for different latrine pit shapes and sizes using data collected through the administration of designed questionnaire on 500 households having pit latrines already filled up. Models were developed specifically for different latrine shapes whereas those of other researchers were generalized. These models were calibrated and verified for the rational design of pit latrines of different shapes and sizes. The regression coefficients for calibration were 0.75, 0.65, and 0.50 and for verification are 0.97, 0.98 and 0.99 for square, circular and rectangular pits respectively. The implication of this research is availability of design models for the construction of different pit latrine shapes.


Lattice Science Publication (LSP)

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