Biot-Savart Law for Determination of Speed of Particle Beyond the Speed of Light


Khadka Chandra BahadurORCID,


This paper presents the modification of Biot-Savart law that thoroughly put to calculate magnetic field at any point in the space due to motion of charge in a complete circuit and further applies to determine velocity of particle faster than the speed of light. The modified Biot-Savart law provides complete mathematical result as given by ordinary Biot-Savart law, but most importantly, do not involve the need of derivative, integration of line element. In order to derive the relation ( among electric field ( magnetic field (( of electromagnetic wave, Biot-Savart law is given by formula B= , Where be angle between direction of velocity v of moving charge and position vector of given point where magnetic field has to be determined. This formula is applicable to address the question of how is it possible to achieve velocity of particle in excess of C and to open a discussion towards a new way of acquiring speed of particle beyond speed of light, namely C , Although, there is popular statement "nothing can move faster than speed of light". In this highly controversial statement, the specific purpose is not to comprises the merits of existing Biot-Savart law, but rather to introduce a concise and careful reasoned account of Biot-Savart law to propagate particle faster than speed of light.


Lattice Science Publication (LSP)

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