Experiencing Job Stress: Impediment Within the Course of Enhancement of Career Prospects


,Kapur Dr. Radhika


The individuals, belonging to all occupations and socio-economic backgrounds have one of the major goals of getting engaged in employment opportunities. Within all types of organizations, individuals are in different job positions in accordance to the hierarchy. Within the course of putting into operation their job duties and responsibilities, they do get overwhelmed by certain factors, which enable them to be overwhelmed by job stress. In other words, in all types of job positions, individuals do get overwhelmed by the problem of job stress. There are number of factors, which enable them to be overwhelmed by this problem. Hence, throughout their jobs, they need to be well-informed in terms of their job duties and methodologies. Furthermore, they need to possess the abilities to work under stress. In addition, formation of positive viewpoints will be facilitating in doing well in one’s job duties and generating desired outcomes. As a consequence, all the members will render an important contribution in doing well in one’s job duties, achieving desired goals and objectives and meeting the expectations of individuals in leadership positions. The problem of job stress can be overcome on one’s own or through obtaining support and assistance from other members. Hence, it is of utmost significance to form cordial and amiable terms and relationships with each other. Therefore, job stress needs to be prevented from assuming a major form otherwise, it is considered as an impediment within the course of enhancement of career prospects. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, understanding the meaning and significance of job stress, causes of job stress and overcoming job stress is vital in leading to progression.


Lattice Science Publication (LSP)








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