1. (1) THE ST-5 And Total Energy Independence, Stirling Technology Inc., U.S.A..
2. (2) Akira HOSHI, Nobutoshi Tezuka, Seizi Sasaki, Isao Fujimoto and Noboru Yamada, DEVEROPMENT OF PRACTICAL STIRLING ENGINE FOR CO-GENERATION SYSTEM USING WOODY BIOMASS FUELS, Proc. of ISES Solar World Congress 2007 (2007), Vol. V, pp.2453-2457.
3. (3) Nobutoshi Tezuka, Akira Hoshi and Seizi Sasaki, A System for the Effective Utilization of Woody Biomass Fuels by the Practical Stirling Engine, Proc. of The 13th International Stirling Engine Conference (2007), pp.235-240.
4. Dynamic Characteristics of PEM-FC/Woody Biomass Engine Hybrid Micro Grid