1. (1) Wind Turbine Generator Systems─Part24: Lightning Protection, IEC TR 61400-24.
2. (2) Muljadi, E. and Butterfield, S., Lightning Protection of Wind Turbine Generator Systems and EMC Problems in the Associated Control Systems, NREL Report.
3. (3) Sakamoto, H., Kubo, N., Hashimoto, Y., Suzuki, I., Ueda, Y. and Hanai, M., Lightning Protection of FRP Blades for Wind Power Generators, World Renewable Energy Conference, Denver, Colorado, Sept., (2004).
4. (4) Brian, B. and Muljadi, E., The NREL Wind Turbine Lightning Protection Project, 1999 European Wind Energy Conference, Nice, France, (1999), pp.729-732.
5. (5) NcNiff, B., Wind Turbine Lightning Protection Project, 1999-2001, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, NREL/SR-500-31115, May, (2002).