1. (1) Homepage of Gröna Tåget (Green Train), www.gronataget.se.
2. (2) Orvnäs, A., Stichel, S. and Persson, R., On-Track Tests with Active Lateral Secondary Suspension: A Measure to Improve Ride Comfort, ZEVrail Glasers Annalen, Vol. 132, No. 11-12 (2008), pp. 469-477.
3. (3) Allen, D. H., Active Bumpstop Hold-Off Device, Proc IMechE Conference Railtech 94, paper C478/5/013, 1994.
4. (4) UIC Code 518, Testing and Approval of Railway Vehicles from the Point of View of Their Dynamic Behaviour - Safety - Track Fatigue - Ride Quality, third edition, October 2005.