1. Scientific Research Institute for Agricultural Mechanization and Automation, Armenian National Agrarian University, Yerevan, Armenia
The article considers the issue of updating the machines designed for the cultivation of near-trunk and near-vine spaces. From the prospect of complete satisfaction of the agrotechnological and technical requirements of the mentioned machines, the rotary tillers with vertical rotation axis are preferable, which, however, need to get structurally developed. On this account, it is recommended to select planetary mechanism with external gear as a driving mechanism, which enables to ensure high rotation numbers of the tiller in case of relatively low rotation numbers of the rotor. The kinematic analysis of the driving mechanisms has been conducted, analytical expressions have been derived, which enable to determine the trajectory, speeds and accelerations of the tiller’s blades depending on the frequency of rotor’s rotation and the gear ratio of the mechanism. Based on the analytical expressions resulted from the kinematic research of the mechanism force analysis of the rotary tiller has been conducted. The estimated expressions of the general resistance moment value applied to the shaft of the moving rotor of the machine, as well as the value of resistance moments generated on the planet gear (satellite) rotors have been derived, which enable to identify the optimal kinematic and geometric parameters for the mechanism and rotary through the theoretical calculation method ensuring the optimal values of traction resistance force and other force factors in conditions of the stated working rules.
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