Dziunycz P.,Frauchiger A.L.,Gräni N.,Kaufmann F.,Jaberg-Bentele N.,Luder C.,Mohanna M.T.,Stieger P.,Weber B.,Mayer D.O.,Läuchli S.,Buset C.,Hafner J.
SummaryRestless legs syndrome (RLS) is characterised by an uncontrollable urge to move, in particular the lower limbs, often accompanied by discomfort or a painful sensation that occurs typically at night. It is categorized under the ICD-Classification of extrapyramidal and movement disorders. As patients often suffer from insomnia due to the involuntary nocturnal leg movements and irritable sensations in the legs, RLS is also classified as a sleep-related movement disorder. The incidence of a mild form of RLS is frequent, although it often remains undiagnosed.After the exclusion of other diseases by differential diagnosis, RLS is diagnosed on the basis of a clinical test administering a single dose of levodopa. There are two forms of RLS: idiopathic and secondary. The secondary form is encountered in an astonishing number of diseases, including renal insufficiency, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and iron deficiency. The treatment of RLS is complex and the benefits and risks of pharmacotherapy should be considered carefully. Non-ergoline dopamine agonists (e.g. ropinirole, pramipexole) are the first-line treatment in severe cases of RLS. Transdermal rotigotine is also a promising treatment option. Opioids in combination with naloxone are recommended for patients suffering from severe pain. In mild cases of RLS, patients benefit from a balanced lifestyle with gentle physical activity and avoiding the excessive consumption of caffeine or alcohol.
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
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