1. UK Healthcare Pain Services, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Background: Chronic neuropathic pain has been recognized as contributing to a significant
proportion of chronic pain globally. Among these, spinal pain is of significance with failed back
surgery syndrome (FBSS), generating considerable expense for the health care systems with increasing
prevalence and health impact.
Objective: To assess the role and effectiveness of spinal cord stimulation (SCS) in chronic spinal
Study Design: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of SCS in chronic spinal
Methods: The available literature on SCS was reviewed. The quality assessment criteria utilized
were Cochrane review criteria to assess sources of risk of bias and Interventional Pain Management
Techniques – Quality Appraisal of Reliability and Risk of Bias Assessment (IPM – QRB) criteria for
randomized trials.
The level of evidence was based on a best evidence synthesis with modified grading of qualitative
evidence from Level I to Level V.
Data sources included relevant literature published from 1966 through March 2015 that were
identified through searches of PubMed and EMBASE, manual searches of the bibliographies of
known primary and review articles, and all other sources.
Outcome Measures: RCTs of efficacy with a minimum 12-month follow-up were considered
for inclusion. For trials of adaptive stimulation, high frequency stimulation, and burst stimulation,
shorter follow-up periods were considered.
Results: Results showed 6 RCTs with 3 efficacy trials and 3 stimulation trials. There were also 2
cost effectiveness studies available. Based on a best evidence synthesis with 3 high quality RCTs, the
evidence of efficacy for SCS in lumbar FBSS is Level I to II. The evidence for high frequency stimulation
based on one high quality RCT is Level II to III. Based on a lack of high quality studies demonstrating
the efficacy of adaptive stimulation or burst stimulation, evidence is limited for these 2 modalities.
Limitations: The limitations of this systematic review continue to require future studies illustrating
effectiveness and also the superiority of high frequency stimulation and potentially burst stimulation.
Conclusion: There is significant (Level I to II) evidence of the efficacy of spinal cord stimulation in
lumbar FBSS; whereas, there is moderate (Level II to III) evidence for high frequency stimulation; there
is limited evidence for adaptive stimulation and burst stimulation.
Key words: Neuropathic pain, chronic spinal pain, failed back surgery syndrome, spinal cord
stimulation, high frequency stimulation, burst stimulation, adaptive stimulation
American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
Cited by
110 articles.