The goal of this study is to determine the impact of non-performing loans (NPLs) on the financial performance of all Bangladeshi listed banks. To accomplish so, the study analyzed data from the previous twenty-three years, from 1997 to 2019 in order to find out the effects of non-performing loan ratio (NPLR), capital adequacy ratio (CAR), inflation (INF) and provision maintenance ratio (PMR) on the return on asset (ROA). Researchers have attempted to investigate the primary cause of NPLs and their implications while taking into account a number of bank-specific characteristics as well as macroeconomic factor. The annual reports from Bangladesh Bank are considered for collecting data that has been examined through OLS and VAT models, along with Test of Heteroscedasticity, Test of Normal Distribution and also Unit Root Test by using STATA 11 (statistical software). By analyzing the OLS regression, it has found that all independent variables i.e. NPLR, CAR, INF and PMR are statistically noteworthy to explain the dependent variable i.e. ROA.
Keywords: Non-performing Loans, Capital Adequacy, Provision, Inflation, Financial Performance
Research Publishing Academy
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