1. Clinical Infectious Hospital named after S.P. Botkin
Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) is an acute infectious disease caused by a new strain of the virus of the genus coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 with the aerosol-droplet andcontact-household transmission mechanism; patogenetically local and systemic inflammatory process, hyperactiveimpulsive cascade, endotheliopathy, hypoxia, leading to thedevelopment of micro – and microthrombosis; it occurs fromasymptomatic to clinically significant forms of intoxication,vascular lesions, lungs, heart, kidneys, and GI tract with riskof complications (ARF, ARDS, sepsis, shock, multiple organdysfunction SYNDROME, pulmonary embolism).Currently, there are few data on the course of this diseasein patients undergoing treatment with program hemodialysis, as well as methods of specific treatment of this group ofpatients.The article describes the case of the first patient in theClinical Infectious Hospital named after S.P. Botkin withend-stage chronic kidney disease corrected by program hemodialysis, who had a COVID-19.
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