1. Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov; Scientific Research Centre of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya
2. Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov
3. Infectious Clinical Hospital № 1
Objective: to determine the incidence of liver damage with measles, the specificity of these changes, to identify risk groups, to assess the dynamics of the development of hyperfermentemia in various stages of the disease.Materials and methods: a retrospective cohort study of medical records of patients hospitalized with measles (n = 101), divided into 4 groups: children (n = 23), men (n = 32), women (n = 24) and pregnant women (n = 22). Patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza (n = 61) were taken as a comparison group. The analysis of the frequency of detecting changes in biochemical parameters, average values, standard error and confidence intervals.Results: An increase in ALT in measles patients was observed in 56 (55.4%), above 5 norms – in 15 patients (14.8%), an increase in AST was detected in 80 (79.2%) patients, above 5 norms – in 10 (9.9%). These changes are specific for measles, which was established by comparing the indicators of patients with measles and influenza. The greatest frequency and severity of the observed changes was observed in men. Determination of bilirubin concentration was carried out in 95 patients. An increase in total bilirubin above 20 μmol / L was observed in 10 (10.5%), direct above 5 μmol / L – in 13 (13.6%) patients.Conclusion: given the frequency of occurrence of the identified changes, it is advisable to conduct a biochemical blood test for measles patients. Therapeutic tactics should be determined taking into account the possible development of hepatitis with measles.
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