1. Pediatric Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases; North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov
2. Pediatric Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases
3. North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov; St. Olga Children's city hospital № 4
The goal is to study the peculiarities of the clinical picture and the distant outcome of intestinal infection due to enteroaggregative escherichiosis and the toxigenic strain of C. difficile in a child with cystic fibrosis.Material and methods. To verify the etiology of intestinal infection, the following studies were conducted. — fecal PCR “OKI-screen” tests to detect viral and bacterial pathogens, fecal bacteriopsy for pathogenic and opportunistic microbes; determination of C. difficile A and B toxins in feces by enzyme-linked fluorescence analysis.Results. The combined intestinal infection caused by en-teroaggregative escherichiosis and a toxigenic strain of C. difficile, in a child with pulmonary-intestinal form of cystic fibrosis was characterized by a wavy course, a pronounced intoxication syndrome, excicosis, hemorrhagic enterocolitis, signs of systemic and local inflammation, metabolic disorders. There were no recurrences of C. difficile-infection in catamnese.Conclusion. It is necessary to continue research on the course of intestinal infections caused by bacterial associations of pathogens.
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