Güney Kore Yerel Yönetiminin Halk Sağlığı ve Sağlıklı Kent Planlama Politikalarının COVID-19 ile Mücadelede Etkisi




1. Cumhuriyet Savcısı


COVID-19, which spread all over the world and hit economies hard, caused great damage to the global system. States have tried many ways to overcome the COVID-19 virus using cutting-edge technologies, including quantum computers and artificial intelligence. However, considering the rate of the spread of the COVID-19 virus in states, rather than new technologies, the effectiveness of local governments has emerged. Compared to central governments, local governments have the capacity to effectively manage major crises because they are shaped more in line with the wishes of the people and have the capacity to produce faster solutions. When the local government structure of South Korea is examined, it will be seen that the technological advantage of South Korea progresses in harmony with the local government style and helps to effectively fight against COVID-19. The article analyses the impact of the structural and historical background of local governments in South Korea in the fight against COVID-19, and the contributions of local governments to urban planning and public health, and their roles in combating COVID-19. A qualitative method is used in this study and the aim of the study is to investigate the contributions of local governments in terms of urban planning and public health in combating COVID-19, based on the example of the South Korean local government.


Kent Akademisi


General Medicine

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