This article includes a review research on the general framework of the concept of “multi-layered resilience”, which has recently been the subject of different disciplines in the face of multi-layered shocks such as migration, pandemic and climate crisis. In the first part of the study, we will try to address different approaches to the concept, other related concepts and the extent to which resilience is the subject of different disciplines through the research that has come to the fore in the literature. In the second part, the process of the concept being subjected to political and social sciences will be discussed. In the last part, we will try to discuss the points of awareness that will increase social resilience in a multi-actor world order.
In the conclusion, it is criticized that the concept has not yet been practically integrated in the social dimension. It is thought that it would be an appropriate step for social sciences to be a resource for planning, especially at points where the classical approaches in the planning discipline in previous periods did not sufficiently take into account the social dimension it encountered on a global and local scale; therefore, methodologically insufficient. At this point, the article emphasizes that the lessons taken from the pandemic process offer important opportunities in coping with the migration and climate crisis, and advocates the belief that we can get rid of our vulnerabilities and create more resilient and resilient societies and cities with practical changes in our behaviors and habits of thought and increased international cooperation.
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