1. Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management, KIU, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
2. Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Management Studies, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri
Background: Due to the rise of e-businesses and e-commerce, the majority of consumers have shifted their purchasing habits from in-store to online shopping. In response to this trend, businesses in Sri Lanka are now offering both online and in-store shopping options for their customers. However, Sri Lankan customers have shown a lack of interest in online shopping.
Objective: This study aimed to identify the factors that influence consumers’ intention to make online purchases.
Methodology: A quantitative research approach was employed using a structured questionnaire. A sample of 700 internet users from the Colombo district was selected through convenience sampling. The study examined subjective norms, attitude, and website usability as independent variables, and consumers’ intention to make online purchases as the dependent variable. Data were analyzed using correlation and regression analyses.
Results: The study found that both attitude and website usability significantly and positively impact consumers’ intention to make online purchases (r = .385, p =<0.001; r = .324, p =<0.001). However, subjective norms did not have a significant impact on consumers’ online purchase intention (r = .056, p = 0.183).
Conclusion: Based on these findings, the study emphasizes the importance for organizations to shape their marketing strategies based on consumers’ attitudes. Additionally, organizations should consider developing new products and services that are tailored to the online platform to attract customers.
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