The Repercussions of Social Problems on High School Turkish Language and Literature Textbooks




1. MEB


Facts or situations that negatively affect the social order are defined as social problems. From past to present societies have been struggling with various problems. Problems that arise due to variables such as changes in the population, environmental factors, inequality, poverty, urbanization, migrations, family, gender, crime and deviance affect social life and social institutions. Language, literature and education are the areas with a social character. That’s why it is inevitable that social problems have repercussions on these areas. The aim of the research is to examine the repercussions of social problems seen in recent years on the contents of Turkish language and literature textbooks. In the study, which is a qualitative patterned research, data was collected through document review. The data of the study consisted of textbooks prepared by the Ministry of National Education in line with the secondary education Turkish language and literature course curricula dated 2005, 2015 and 2018. The data obtained was analyzed using a descriptive method in line with a thematic framework. Turkish language and literature textbooks were examined within the framework of social problems seen in the world and Turkey in recent years; evaluations were made based on the findings. As a result of the research; it has been revealed that the problems caused by migrations, technological developments, environmental pollution, climate changes, capitalist order and social inequalities have repercussions on the content of Turkish language and literature textbooks.


Sakarya University Journal of Education


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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