Uncovering Spatial Planning Values through Law: Insights from Central East European Planning Systems


Nowak Maciej J.1ORCID,Mitrea Andrei2ORCID,Filepné Kovács Krisztina3ORCID,Jürgenson Evelin4ORCID,Legutko-Kobus Paulina5ORCID,Petrișor Alexandru-Ionut6ORCID,Simeonova Velislava7ORCID,Blaszke Małgorzata1ORCID


1. West Pomeranian University of Technology

2. Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning

3. Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

4. Estonian University of Life Sciences

5. Warsaw School of Economics (SGH)

6. Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism

7. University of Barcelona


The spatial planning act should define the key values of a given planning system. However, legally defining these values does not guarantee their smooth or efficient implementation. Though, it should provide guidance in their subsequent interpretation. Spatial planning law defines values but does not guarantee their realisation. The articulation of values in spatial planning law must, as a rule, be more general, detailed by specific provisions and considered in judicial interpretation. The aim of this article is to extract and comparative analysis spatial planning values comprised within national legal acts of Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. It then sets out to compare these values to the planning practices within these countries. Values stated in legislation at the national level are also applicable at lower planning levels, particularly at the local level. Their inclusion in acts is therefore very important from the perspective of planning practice. For the purposes of this article, values in spatial planning are those comprised within national laws on spatial planning matters. This refers to the values explicitly identified and included at the beginning of such laws. The way these values are framed and understood is explored in the article. The legal recognition of values in spatial planning can provide a basis for their wider implementation. However, there are several barriers against their successful implementation. Different jurisdictions engage with these values in distinct ways. The same applies to actual planning practice. Identifying and comparing the ways in which spatial planning values are framed in the laws of the surveyed countries made it possible to single out values that are repeated in all systems (e.g., sustainable development, environmental protection, protection of architectural properties and public interest) and values that are framed differently across Central East European planning systems.


Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences

Reference83 articles.

1. Act Bulg (2001). Act of 31 March 2001 Spatial Planning, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works Bulgaria. Retrieved from https://www.mrrb.bg/bg/zakon-za-ustrojstvo-na-teritoriyata-84665/(accessed on 22 January 2024)

2. Act Est (2015). Act of 28 January 2015 Planning Act, Parliament of Estonia. Retrieved from https://www.riigiteataja.ee/en/eli/527062016001/consolide (accessed on 9 January 2024)

3. Act HU (1997). Act LXXVIII of 1997 on the Development and Protection of the Built Environment, Hungary. Retrieved from https://faolex.fao.org/docs/pdf/hun11532E.pdf (accessed on 16 January 2024)

4. Act PL (2003). Act of 27 March 2003 Act on on spatial planning and development. Journal of Laws 741. Retrieved from https://isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap.nsf/download.xsp/WDU20030800717/U/D20030717Lj.pdf (accessed 10 July 2022)

5. Act RO (2001). Act of 10 July 2001 Territorial and Urban Planning; no. 350/2001. The Official Gazette of Romania: Bucharest, Romania.








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