Planning in Poland and Slovenia – Introduction to Comparative Analysis of Spatial Planning Systems at the Local Level


Čok Gregor1ORCID,Foški Mojca1ORCID,Zavodnik Lamovšek Alma1ORCID,Mrak Gašper1ORCID,Jopek Dorota2ORCID,Kochel Laura2ORCID,Szlenk-Dziubek Dorota3ORCID


1. University of Ljubljana

2. Cracow University of Economics

3. Institute of Urban and Regional Development


The paper aims to compare the existing spatial planning system in both countries, their spatial planning laws, documents and planning approaches. It focuses on the level of land use and urban planning instruments at the local level. It addresses the administrative and procedural characteristics of the two countries as well as experiences and examples of best practices that can be shared in the future. The results presented show that the countries are quite similar in terms of both the planning system and the typology of spatial planning acts. There are clearer differences in the planning approaches at the local level and in the current challenges regarding the stakeholders' participation in the planning processes.


Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences

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