Experimenting for long-term transformation. Key insidhts into 20 years of German pilot scheme for innovative rural public service and infrastructure provision


Hernández Alistair Adam1ORCID,Schneider Carolin1


1. Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association


In a context of highly heterogeneous development prospects for rural areas in the German Federal Republic, maintaining public services and infrastructure in peripheral locations is facing major challenges. Since the 1990s, a number of nationwide and publicly-funded pilot schemes have experimented with innovative approaches for the long-term transformation of the way public services and infrastructure are provided in the countryside. Nevertheless, the continuity of these approaches often turns out to be problematic. This paper analyses a series of pilot schemes as instruments for territorial development and presents new findings at multiple levels for enhancing their performance.


Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences


Political Science and International Relations,Urban Studies,Development,Geography, Planning and Development

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