Objective: The aim of the present study is to compare the knee force production sense error (KFPSE) of young soccer players under single and dual-task conditions.
Materials and Methods: Twenty-four young male soccer players with a soccer license participated in this study. Knee force production sense (KFPS) was evaluated using a biofeedback device. In order to compare the KFPSE first, the bilateral KFPS of the participants was evaluated. Then the same assessment was performed concurrently with a cognitive dual task (five countdowns from 200).
Results: The results revealed that, compared with the single-task condition, players had higher absolute error under the dual-task condition for both extremities (p˂0.05).
Conclusion: Secondary cognitive task may be a possible critical factor reducing the accuracy of the force (re)production sense. A secondary cognitive task may adversely affect the KFPS.
Turkish Journal of Sports Medicine, Turkish Sports Medicine Association
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