Biofeedback: Its function, effects on organism and utility in sports sciences


Çelik ErolcanORCID,Sarı İhsanORCID


Biofeedback trainings are frequently used both to treat some diseases and to increase the performance of healthy individuals. Great progress has been made in this regard in various fields. Biofeedback is a method used in fields such as art, surgery, and military service, as well as sports, in order to increase mental and physical performance. In addition it can be said that various researches related to this topic may be carried out in the future, and comprehensive scientific resources will thus be needed. The aim of this review is to conduct a comprehensive literature review about biofeedback practices and to present a scientific resource in Turkish that will meet the need. For this purpose, the findings obtained by examining the studies in the relevant literature were compiled and presented to the reader in a systematic way. In this context, firstly, the basic logic of biofeedback training is explained and the measurement tools along with their functions are presented. Afterwards, the contribution of biofeedback training to self-regulation skills is explained in detail and its effect on the autonomic nervous system is discussed. Then, biofeedback practices used in different fields are summarized. Finally, by referring to the use of biofeedback in the field of sports sciences, relevant researches in the field of sports in Turkey are assessed.


Turkish Journal of Sports Medicine, Turkish Sports Medicine Association

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1. Sosyal Bilim Çalışmalarında Biyolojik Geri Bildirim Yöntemlerinin Kullanımı;Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi;2022-12-31







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