The aim of the study is to determine the correlation between attitudes of Turkish nursing students toward gender roles and their perceptions of caring behaviors. The study was conducted based on cross-sectional, descriptive and relational design. First- and fourth-year nursing undergraduate students studying at four state universities located in a large city in Türkiye were included in the study (n=541). Three forms including “Descriptive Characteristics Form”, “The Gender Roles Attitude Scale” and “Caring Assessment Questionnaire” were used as data collection tools. The students' GRAS mean score was 147.12±15.47 and the highest subscale mean was detected in the egalitarian gender role subscale. The students' Care-Q total mean score was 4.99±1.34 and the highest subscale mean was observed in the “Monitors and Follows Through” subscale. As a result of the study, it was observed that there was a statistically significant positive and very weak correlation between the nursing students' caring behaviors and attitudes toward gender roles. The results indicated that the students participating in the study had an egalitarian attitude and as the egalitarian attitude increased, their caring assessment behaviors also increased.
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