Quality of life in women under 65 years of age with diabetes and affecting factors: A cross-sectional study






Objective: The study was conducted in the cross-sectional manner to determine the factors affecting the quality of life in women 65 years under with diabetes, to ensure the guide women in the management of the disease. Methods: This study was conducted in the cross-sectional manner with 134 female patients with diabetes. The data were collected using the "Personal Information Form" and the “The World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument Short Form”. Descriptive statistical analyzes were used to evaluate the data, and correlation and regression analyzes were used to evaluate the effects of independent variables. Results: In the correlation analysis made for the relationship of some variables with the quality of life, it was determined that there was a positive significant relationship between age and duration of marriage variables, physical area, mental area, environmental area, general health, and total quality of life. It has been determined that the variables of residence, income status, duration of marriage, presence of gynecological disease, number of births, number of living children, family planning use status, fasting and postprandial blood sugar variables affect the quality of life. It was determined that the variables included in the model explained 61% of the quality of life. Conclusion: Age, duration of marriage, geographical conditions of the place of residence and income status, quality of life also varies according to gender, as gynecological diseases experienced, pregnancy, and family planning use status, fasting and postprandial blood sugar variables affect the quality of life.


Ordu University


General Medicine

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