Arabidopsis VILLIN2 and VILLIN3 Are Required for the Generation of Thick Actin Filament Bundles and for Directional Organ Growth


van der Honing Hannie S.1,Kieft Henk1,Emons Anne Mie C.1,Ketelaar Tijs1


1. Laboratory of Cell Biology, Wageningen University, 6708 PB Wageningen, The Netherlands (H.S.v.d.H., H.K., A.M.C.E., T.K.); and Department of Biomolecular Systems, Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, 1098 SG Amsterdam, The Netherlands (A.M.C.E.)


AbstractIn plant cells, actin filament bundles serve as tracks for myosin-dependent organelle movement and play a role in the organization of the cytoplasm. Although virtually all plant cells contain actin filament bundles, the role of the different actin-bundling proteins remains largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the role of the actin-bundling protein villin in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). We used Arabidopsis T-DNA insertion lines to generate a double mutant in which VILLIN2 (VLN2) and VLN3 transcripts are truncated. Leaves, stems, siliques, and roots of vln2 vln3 double mutant plants are twisted, which is caused by local differences in cell length. Microscopy analysis of the actin cytoskeleton showed that in these double mutant plants, thin actin filament bundles are more abundant while thick actin filament bundles are virtually absent. In contrast to full-length VLN3, truncated VLN3 lacking the headpiece region does not rescue the phenotype of the vln2 vln3 double mutant. Our results show that villin is involved in the generation of thick actin filament bundles in several cell types and suggest that these bundles are involved in the regulation of coordinated cell expansion.


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Plant Science,Genetics,Physiology







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