Elektrikli Gemilerin Değerlendirilmesi ve Güneş Enerjisi İmkânıyla Birleştirilmiş Yeni Tasarımı Düşünülen Deniz Kabini


ER Zuhal1,ATES Doguhan1




Demands for energy saving and emission reduction, and due to the restrictions imposed by the authorities, as well as most of new designs in the maritime field is oriented towards renewable energy sources. Solar energy and energy storage systems may a solution to the pollution problems, reducing CO2, SOX and NOX emissions and improving the ship's energy efficiency. Battery technologies emerge as a promising method to increase it. In this study, the recent electric ship markets have been examined with these respects. Furthermore, this study has aimed presentation of considered new design Electric Battery Sea Cab which is under aware of the requirements in practical applications. We believe that the sea cab as a public transportation or barge ship with the use of renewable energy sources will save emission of the harmful gases from the sea vehicles and the amount of energy consumed. In this project, the considered cab is 14,95 meters long and 4 meters wide. Considering the average resistance value for 16 knots speed, it has examined that the motor to be used should provide approximately 200 HP power. Studies obtained the possibility to produce a public transportation vehicle that is both environmentally friendly and less costly by using renewable energy systems for sea cab. Our evaluations provide that it is inevitable that the use of photovoltaic (PV) panels with 30 times less carbon footprint compared to fuel will become wide spread and be preferred to energies that can be consumed over time. Consequently, the results of this study also service that alternative in ship technology information on the use of energy systems is provided. In addition, the new considered cab which represents showing that battery electrical ship can be achieved shall be interesting to the future focuses of the representatives of the maritime sector.


Iskenderun Technical University

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