Investigation and Control of Backflow Ahead of a Shrouded Inducer


Offtinger Brissaud C.1,Henry C.1,Morel R.1,Spettel F.1


1. Equipe Hydraulique I.N.S.A. Lyon, Laboratoire de Me´canique des Fluides et d’Acoustique, U.M.R. CNRS 5509 E.C.L., U.C.B. Lyon I, 20, ave A. Einstein, 69621 Villeurbanne, Cedex France


Incorporating a backflow recirculator is a way to reduce part load instabilities of inducers. Experimental results demonstrate that two devices with simple geometry considerably soften pressure pulsations in suction and discharge pipes associated with part load instabilities, even at low NPSH conditions and low flowrates. This is accomplished with negligible adverse effects on pump performance.


ASME International


Mechanical Engineering

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