1. Davoli, P., 1987, “La Resistenza Degli Ingranaggi in Plastica: Apparato di Prova e Prime Sperimentazioni,” (Plastic Gear Resistance: Test Apparatus), Organi di Trasmissione, October, pp. 134–138.
2. Crippa, G., and Davoli, P., 1989, “Fatigue Resistance of Nylon 6 Gears,” Proceedings ASME 5th International Power Transmission and Gearing Conference, Chicago, pp. 229–234 (also in “Kunststoffe-German Plastics,” 2/91, pp. 147–150).
3. Tsukamoto
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4. Tsukamoto
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5. Holman, J. P., 1989, Experimental Methods for Engineers, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 75–78.