1. C¸etin, M., U¸cer, A. S., Hirsch, Ch., and Serovy, G. K., 1987, “Application of Modified Loss and Deviation Correlations to Transonic Axial Compressors,” AGARD Report No. 745.
2. Delery, J., and Marvin, J. G., 1986, “Shock-Wave Boundary-Layer Interactions,” AGARDograph No. 280, pp. 8–50.
3. Fottner, L., and Lichtfuss, H. J., 1983, “Design of Transonic Compressor Cascades for Minimal Shock Losses and Comparison With Test Results,” AGARD CP No. 351, pp. 4.1–4.22.
4. Gustafson, B. A., 1975, “A Simple Method for Supersonic Compressor Cascade Performance Prediction,” Chalmers Univ. of Techn., Dept. for Turbomachinery; also ASME Paper No. 76-GT-64.
5. Koch
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, and SmithL. H., 1976, “Loss Sources and Magnitudes in Axial-Flow Compressors,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Power, Vol. 98, pp. 411–424.