1. Haynes, H. D.
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2. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1988, “Nuclear Plant Aging Research (NPAR) Program Plan,” Technical Report No. NUREG-1144-Rev.2, NRC, June. 1991602-612.
3. Pool, A. J. and Porwit, A. J., 1982, “Prediction of Surge Pressure Form Check Valves for Nuclear,” ASME Paper No. 62-WA-219.
4. Gifford, A. P, Ronald, E. N. and Richard, E. D., 1953, “Characteristics of Various Check and Angle Stop Valves in an Eight-Inch Water Line,” Technical Report No. AECU-3180, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Schenectady, NY.
5. Analysis of Acoustic Emission Signals for Condition Monitoring of Check Valve at Nuclear Power Plants;Lee;Key Eng. Mater.