1. Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes (L2S), Supélec-CNRS-Université Paris, Sud 3 rue Joliot-Curie, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex (France); Laboratoire de Modélisation et Calcul Scientifique (LMCS), Institut Polytechnique des Sciences, Avancées 7 rue Maurice Grandcoing, 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine (France) e-mail:
The problem of local linearizability of the planar linear center perturbed by cubic non- linearities in all generalities on the system parameters (14 parameters) is far from being solved. The synchronization problem (as noted in Pikovsky, A., Rosenblum, M., and Kurths, J., 2003, Synchronization: A Universal Concept in Nonlinear Sciences, Cambridge Nonlinear Science Series, Cambridge University Press, UK, and Blekhman, I. I., 1988, Synchronisation in Science and Technology, ASME Press Translations, New York) consists in bringing appropriate modifications on a given system to obtain a desired dynamic. The desired phase portrait along this paper contains a compact region around a singular point at the origin in which lie periodic orbits with the same period (independently from the chosen initial conditions). In this paper, starting from a five parameters non isochronous Chouikha cubic system (Chouikha, A. R., 2007, “Isochronous Centers of Lienard Type Equations and Applications,” J. Math. Anal. Appl., 331, pp. 358–376) we identify all possible monomial perturbations of degree d ∈ {2, 3} insuring local linearizability of the perturbed system. The necessary conditions are obtained by the Normal Forms method. These conditions are real algebraic equations (multivariate polynomials) in the parameters of the studied ordinary differential system. The efficient algorithm FGb (J. C. Faugère, “FGb Salsa Software,” for computing the Gröbner basis is used. For the family studied in this paper, an exhaustive list of possible parameters values insuring local linearizability is established. All the found cases are already known in the literature but the contexts are different since our object is the synchronisation rather than the classification. This paper can be seen as a direct continuation of several new works concerned with the hinting of cubic isochronous centers, (in particular Bardet, M., and Boussaada, I., 2011, “Compexity Reduction of C-algorithm,” App. Math. Comp., in press; Boussaada, I., Chouikha, A. R., and Strelcyn, J.-M., 2011, “Isochronicity Conditions for some Planar Polynomial Systems,” Bull. Sci. Math, 135(1), pp. 89–112; Bardet, M., Boussaada, I., Chouikha, A. R., and Strelcyn, J.-M., 2011, “Isochronicity Conditions for some Planar Polynomial Systems,” Bull. Sci. Math, 135(2), pp. 230–249; and furthermore, it can be considered as an adaptation of a qualitative theory method to a synchronization problem.
Applied Mathematics,Mechanical Engineering,Control and Systems Engineering,Applied Mathematics,Mechanical Engineering,Control and Systems Engineering