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3. Kurtoglu, T., Campbell, M. I., Gonzalez, J., Bryant, C. R., Stone, R. B., McAdams, D. A., 2005, “Capturing Empirically Derived Design Knowledge for Creating Conceptual Design Configurations,” Submitted to ASME 2005 International Design Engineering and Technical Conference and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences. September 24–28, 2005, Long Beach, CA
4. Kurtoglu, T., Campbell, M., Bryant, C, Stone, R., McAdams, D., 2005, “Deriving a Component Basis for Computational Functional Synthesis” Accepted to International Conference on Engineering Design, IC ED’05
5. Wu, Z., Ferna´ndez, B.R., Campbell, M.I., 2005, “Probabilistic strategy based dynamic system design using bond graph and genetic algorithm,” International Conference of Bond Graph Modeling, New Orleans, LA