Characterizing the Effect of 319 Aluminum Microstructure on Machinability: Part 2 — Model Validation


Hu Xuefei1,Sutherland John W.1,Boileau James M.2


1. Michigan Technological University

2. Ford Motor Company


In Part 1 of this paper, a machining force model was developed based on an enhanced version of Zheng’s Continuum Mechanics model that incorporates microstructural effects. Machining experiments identified Secondary Dendrite Arm Spacing (SDAS) as a significant microstructure feature of 319 aluminum in terms of machinability. A new material constitutive relationship that incorporates SDAS microstructure effects on the flow stress was proposed. In this part of the paper, disk turning tests are performed to simulate the orthogonal cutting process. The cutting forces obtained from some of these tests are used in concert with an inverse form of the continuum mechanics machining model to estimate the parameters in the material constitutive equation. The enhanced continuum mechanics orthogonal cutting model is then applied to predict cutting forces when machining Al319. Comparison of the model predicted and experimentally acquired cutting forces is demonstrated to show good agreement.



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