1. ARP 1256A, 1980, Procedure for the Continuous Sampling and Measurement of Gaseous Emissions From Aircraft Turbine Engines, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
2. Cline M. C. , MicklowG. J., YangS. L., and NguyenH. L., 1995, “Numerical Analysis of the Flowfield in a Staged Gas Turbine Combustor,” Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 894–898.
3. Hatch M. S. , SowaW. A., SamuelsenG. S., and HoldemanJ. D., 1995a, “Jet Mixing Into a Heated Cross Flow in a Cylindrical Duct: Influence of Geometry and Flow Variations,” Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 393–402, see also AIAA-92-0773 & NASA TM 105390.
4. Hatch, M. S., Sowa, W. A., Samuelsen, G. S., and Holdeman, J. D., 1995b, “Influence of Geometry and Flow Variation on NO Formation in the Quick Mixer of a Staged Combustor,” to be published in ASME JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER; see also NASA TM 105639.
5. Holdeman, J. D., Walker, R. E., and Kors, D. L., 1973, “Mixing of Multiple Dilution Jets With a Hot Primary Airstream for Gas Turbine Applications,” Paper No. AIAA-73-1249; also NASA TM-71426.