1. Alstom GT13E2 Combustor Upgrade for Vattenfalls Berlin Mitte Combined Heat and Power Plant,2011
2. Alstom Fuel Flexibility for Today's and Future Market Requirements,2010
3. Fuel Flexibility of the Alstom GT13E2 Medium Sized Gas Turbine,2008
4. Development of the Advanced EV (AEV) Burner for the ABB GTX 100 Gas Turbine,1997
5. Steinbach, C., Ruck, T., Lloyd, J., Jansohn, P., Döbbeling, K., and Sattelmayer, T., 1998, “ABB’s Advanced EV Burner—A Dual Fuel Dry Low NOx Burner for Stationary Gas Turbines,” 43rd ASME Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2–5.