Effective stress-strain relations for two-dimensional cellular sandwich cores: Homogenization, material models, and properties


Hohe and Jo¨rg1,Becker Wilfried1


1. Universita¨t Siegen, Institut fu¨r Mechanik und Regelungstechnik, Paul-Bonatz-Str 9-11, D-57068 Siegen, Germany; hohe@imr-sun8.fb5.uni-siegen.de, beck@fb5.uni-siegen.de


The theory of sandwich construction has been an active field of research for more than five decades. Aim of the present article is to review the work dedicated to the theoretical determination of the effective stress-strain material behavior of two-dimensional cellular materials with large-scale cells used as core material of structural sandwich panels. Both, the applied homogenization schemes and the applied material models are considered. Explicit expressions for the linear properties of a variety of basic cell geometries are presented, as well as schemes for the analysis of more general cases. In addition, the incorporation of specific effects such as cell wall imperfections or core face sheet constraints and the analysis of nonlinear elastic and elastic-plastic effective material response are reviewed. This review article includes 148 references.


ASME International


Mechanical Engineering

Reference148 articles.

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