1. Canadian Nuclear Laboratories , 286 Plant Road, Chalk River, ON K0J 1J0, Canada
The development of advanced fuels and fuel cycles for conventional Generation III+ reactors, advanced reactors (such as Generation IV), and small modular reactors will help ensure the long-term sustainability and safety of the use of nuclear energy. Thorium-based fuels are an example of an advanced fuel that could augment and extend uranium resources. As part of previous efforts in Canada to investigate the use of thorium-based fuels for potential use in pressure-tube heavy-water reactors and other technologies, irradiation experiments with various thorium-containing fuels had been conducted in the National Research Universal (NRU) reactor at the Chalk River Laboratories. The NRU reactor physics computational tools and methods, developed initially for conventional enriched uranium fuel, had also been extended for analysis of thorium-based fuel experiments, with most satisfactory results. In this study, a number of physics and operation factors have been analyzed to quantify their effects on the production and burnup of 233U in thorium-based fuel, as well as to improve both the analysis and the use of thorium fuels and fuel cycles.
Nuclear Energy and Engineering,Radiation