Study on Dynamic Post-Buckling Stability of Thin-Walled Cylinders Subjected to Horizontal Vibration


Ye Yiji1,Hasegawa Sho1,Ichimiya Masakazu1,Kasahara Naoto1


1. Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Hongo 7 Chome-3-1, Bunkyo-ku , Tokyo 113-8656, Japan


Abstract As a lesson learned from the Fukushima nuclear accident, the importance of accident mitigation for beyond design basis events (BDBEs) is recognized. Excessive earthquake is a typical BDBE. During such events, the fast reactor main vessel (FRMV) is vulnerable to buckling because of its thin-walled cylindrical structure. Buckling deformation without causing immediate collapse should not be considered as a limit state in BDBEs. Instead, the objective is to achieve a stable post-buckling state. In the present study, dynamic post-buckling behavior of thin-walled cylinders under intense horizontal vibration is experimentally studied, which simulates loop-type FRMV design. Finite element method (FEM) simulation is also conducted and validated by experimental data. Based on results analysis, a global response stability after buckling is confirmed. The buckled model shows resilience to withstand catastrophic collapse even when intense excitation continues to apply. Using equivalent linear response method, dynamic mechanisms behind the stability are revealed. Due to substantial degradation of structural stiffness, the post-buckling response shifts into the out-of-phase domain such that response divergence is prevented. Meanwhile, the response is notably delayed from the input, which impedes the conversion of input energy into kinetic energy, reducing the inertial impact to the structure. These mechanisms are found to be independent of input waveforms and can be applied to a general seismic scenario. Moreover, the limit for global response stability after buckling and the effect of input frequency on the post-buckling behavior are clarified.


ASME International

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