1. Procedure for the Analytic Evaluation of Locomotive and Freight Car Wheel Designs, Association of American Railroads Standard S-660, Adopted 1981, Revised 2004.
2. Novak, G.E., Greenfield, L.P. and Stone D.H., “Simulated Operating Stresses in 28-in. Dia. Wheels,” ASME Paper 75-RT-10, January, 1975.
3. Technical Approval of Solid Wheels, UIC Code 510-5, February 2003.
4. Sines, G., “Failure of Materials under Combined Repeated Stresses with Superimposed Static Stresses,” NACA Technical Note 3495, November 1955.
5. McMaster, F. and McKeighan, P., “Fatigue Behavior of Railcar Wheel Steel at Ambient and Elevated Temperature,” Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, August 2003. Report No. DOT/FRA/ORD-03/19. http://www.volpe.dot.gov/sdd/does/fail/fatgbehavior.pdf