Fatigue Performance of AAR Class A Railroad Wheel Steel at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures


McMaster Fraser J.1,Robledo Guadalupe B.1,Gordon Jeffrey E.2


1. Southwest Research Institute

2. U.S. Department of Transportation


Classical stress-life (S-N) curves were developed for Association of American Railroads (AAR) Class A wheel steel with specimens removed from the rim area of an as-forged railcar wheel. The specimen geometry was a standard hourglass fatigue test specimen with a low stress concentration (Kt) of 1.05. Fatigue testing was performed at stress ratios of −1.0, 0.05, 0.5 and 0.7. Testing was performed at ambient, 500° F and 1000° F using high current resistance or convection methods. Endurance limit data was obtained for all R-ratios, although for the 1000° F condition there did not appear to be a clear endurance limit transition. These endurance limit data were used to estimate the Sines parameters, A and α.



Reference9 articles.

1. Association of American Railroads. Standard S-660. “Procedure for the Analytic Evaluation of Locomotive and Freight Car Wheel Designs.” Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices. Section G, Wheels and Axles, 2004.

2. Sines, G., 1959, “Behavior of Metals Under Complex Static and Alternating Stresses,” Metal Fatigue, G. Sines and J. L. Waisman, Eds., McGraw-Hill, NY, pp. 145–169.

3. “Homologation Technique des Roues Monobloc.” 1998, UIC Minutes. MTEL P 98016.

4. Gordon, J. E. and Orringer, O., 1994, “Investigation of the Effects of Braking System Configurations on Thermal Input to Commuter Car Wheels,” Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA, Report No. DOT/FRA/ORD-94–01.

5. McKeighan, P. C., McMaster, F. J., and Gordon, J., “Fatigue Performance of AAR Class B Railroad Wheel Steel at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 17–22 November 2002, New Orleans, LA.

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